Employee Benefits Tender 2020 This Framework shall have up to a maximum of eight suppliers with the ability to meet the requirements of the specification and provide all the mandatory eight core benefits. United Kingdom-Sheffield: Miscellaneous services 2020/S 164-399652 Contract notice Services Legal Basis: Directive 2014/24/EU Section I: Contracting authority I.1)Name and addresses Official name: North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) (hosted by and acting through Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) Postal address: Savile Street East Town: Sheffield NUTS code: UK UNITED KINGDOM Postal code: S4 7UQ Country: United Kingdom E-mail: procurement@noecpc.nhs.uk Internet address(es):Main address: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/noecpc I.2)Information about joint
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