Tender to Supply Flash X-ray System To allow internal diagnostics to be obtained for material surrounding an explosive charge (e.g. soil or fabric) a 4-channel flash x-ray is required. United Kingdom-Sheffield: Explosives detection system 2020/S 189-457528 Contract notice Supplies Legal Basis: Directive 2014/24/EU Section I: Contracting authority I.1)Name and addresses Official name: The University of Sheffield Postal address: Procurement Office, Arts Tower, Western Bank Town: Sheffield NUTS code: UKE32 Sheffield Postal code: S10 2TN Country: United Kingdom Contact person: David Middle E-mail: dave.middle@sheffield.ac.uk Telephone: +44 1142221560 Internet address(es):Main address: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sheffield/ Address of the buyer profile: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ I.2)Information about joint procurement I.3)Communication The procurement documents
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